i was also given an ipod nano which i am struggling to work~how can something so small be so complicated? i am sure its just me and my 'techno-fear'!
i was also given an ipod nano which i am struggling to work~how can something so small be so complicated? i am sure its just me and my 'techno-fear'!
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yule? Winter's Solstice? Hanukkah? All of them?
i 'celebrate' christmas as a time to be with family, solstice i find difficult, i celebrate it as it was a significant time for the ancient people of this land, i am talking about the really ancient people, as shown in the building of sites that were aligned with the solstice.
Name your favourite christmas movie.
oh how to choose??! i have to go with 'its a wonderful life'
Your best christmasmas present ever?
a trip to lake tahoe snowboarding in 2003~my sisters boyfriend at the time had done some work for ibm and he paid for the four of us to go away for two weeks, that year we had not planned our regular trip so were all rather grumpy. he even conspired with our employers to get the time off of work!
Do you bake cookies? Or buy them?
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?
i never did
Your favourite christmas food?
cranberry sauce
Your favourite holiday tradition
everyone gathering at my mums with me and my sister as cooks, even though mum gets really stressed!
Giving gifts or getting them?
giving! although i am rather excited at getting my iPod nano-chromatic this year (green of course) as it means no more filling my bag with piles of mini discs when i go away...everything will be in one tiny wafer!
now as it is so close to christmas i TAG anyone who wants to join in, just pop in here and tell us all so we can come over to your blog :)
5. Do you know your carbon footprint for your home? If so, is it larger/smaller than your national average? ~smaller by a third
6.What's eco-frustrating and/or eco-fantastic about where you live?~i can walk into the village and when i want other shops the next village is only five miles away, i am on the list for a local allotment (third in line) , building restrictions as it is now a nation park...frustrating is that despite this some people/groups seem to bypass planning restrictions to knock down lovely old houses and put up big hateful piles
7. Do you eat local/organic/vegetarian/forage/grow you own? ~yes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, i will when swampy has sorted me my raised beds and even more when i get my allottment
9. Do you have a green confession? ~nope!
10. Do you have the support of family and/or friends? ~oh yes, i have a fine collection of organic gardening books from them and mum has let me have a big chunk of her garden to use until i get my allottment
well now, given the time of year i am sure a lot of you are busy so if you are green and wish to do this please feel free
yesterday we had to drive to our dentist for our twice yearly check up, which meant venturing out of the forest and to our old stamping ground of dorset and a four hour round trip in the cold. it felt really odd to be going back there...especially coming out of the dentist and not driving to our old home.
the forest was white with frost and as pippin has a very old heating system it was a very cold journey, but worth it for the views...
Hooray for finishing my present assignment!
i now have two more pieces of work to be in by the end of january, one of them is 70% complete and i am taking the next two days to finish the notes for the one that has to be in the week before i vanish into the heaving mass of humanity that is new york.
my plan is to have both done by that week so i can enjoy my trip without having that 'un-finished homework' feeling hanging over my head~plus i now have most of my books for my next lot of work, medieval history, which i start the week after my return from new york...two days after my 42nd birthday!
well enough of this~time to get my books out...
7 things i do now
eat too many crisps
cant stay up comfortably beyond 8pm
write good history/archaeology based essays
sing very well
resist crisps!
ride a motorcycle
make clothes
hear very well
7 things i find attractive in the opposite sex
likes gardening
likes animals
7 things i say most often
oh crud
sorry cant hear you
crisps please
a large one (mug of lemon tea!)
hello monkey boy (to cody)
wheres my glasses?
7 celebs i most admire