my chores were done enabling me to visit all of your blogs at last and as usual it was like an adventure~peeking into your lives and countries from my little new forest home.
today is shopping day, the one day a week (on a usual week) where we fire up pippin and journey out to get in our supplies for the coming week. as usual we are off to our little farm shop and then, as i need some cards, which i particularly want at our local hospice shop, we are going into lymington , which is 5 miles away...if you go to the site and click on the 'history in maps and photographs' you will see some lovely old photos of the surrounding area as well as a section on my village brockenhurst~looking at the photos gave me quite an odd feeling as many of the scenes from the early 1900's still have the same buildings standing today~and the level crossing, a two minute walk behind my home, remains the same except for the tiny building right in the middle of the shot!
*i hope you all have a good day wherever you are*