so today i am starting out in a lighthearted manner with the tag...although i cannot make 7 in some of them!
7 things to do before i die
see both the irland and wales rugby union teams play their home stadium
visit the villages in ireland of my ancestors
visit the grave of johney gaul in france
make a huge patchwork quilt
finish my family tree
finish my degree
do something useful with my degree
7 things i do now
eat too many crisps
cant stay up comfortably beyond 8pm
write good history/archaeology based essays
7 things i cant do
type properly
sing very well
resist crisps!
ride a motorcycle
make clothes
hear very well
7 things i find attractive in the opposite sex
likes gardening
likes animals
7 things i say most often
oh crud
sorry cant hear you
crisps please
a large one (mug of lemon tea!)
hello monkey boy (to cody)
wheres my glasses?
7 celebs i most admire
jeremy irons
7 favourite foods
lemon tart
those of you i choose to join in~if you have the time!
suzie @ suzie's sacred space
caitlin @ bridgets flame
juliab @ marmalade kiss
bret @ this guys journey
boho mom @ words from a bohemian single mom
twiggy @ the world of twiggy pea sticks