5. Do you know your carbon footprint for your home? If so, is it larger/smaller than your national average? ~smaller by a third
6.What's eco-frustrating and/or eco-fantastic about where you live?~i can walk into the village and when i want other shops the next village is only five miles away, i am on the list for a local allotment (third in line) , building restrictions as it is now a nation park...frustrating is that despite this some people/groups seem to bypass planning restrictions to knock down lovely old houses and put up big hateful piles
7. Do you eat local/organic/vegetarian/forage/grow you own? ~yes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, i will when swampy has sorted me my raised beds and even more when i get my allottment
9. Do you have a green confession? ~nope!
10. Do you have the support of family and/or friends? ~oh yes, i have a fine collection of organic gardening books from them and mum has let me have a big chunk of her garden to use until i get my allottment
well now, given the time of year i am sure a lot of you are busy so if you are green and wish to do this please feel free