so the great wheel has turned again and almost overnight things have changed.
i am sitting here with the windows open and the sound of the birds drifting in on a light breeze, the sun is shining although there are a few grey clouds drifting by but after the last 36 hours of constant rain even these clouds feel great.
i have just been in the garden where the forsythia has put out yellow buds over the space of two days, the honeysuckle is bushy and full of new dark green leaves and the old, climbing banksia rose is putting out small, pale green leaves.
tete a tete's are pushing through the soil and the woad is a good five inches high.
i have had a feeling of peace settle over me,my present studies are almost over giving me 8 months of freedom and i suddenly have the urge to reconnet.
as is usual with me and my path i have had a few months of drifting, of being disconnected and this is only right given the terrible time we had over yule.
but with the turning of the greater wheel so my personal wheel has turned again and bringing with it peace and the urge to move further along my path, devote more time to it.
a sense of balance has been reached within the balance given to us by being midway between imbolc and beltane
i am sitting here with the windows open and the sound of the birds drifting in on a light breeze, the sun is shining although there are a few grey clouds drifting by but after the last 36 hours of constant rain even these clouds feel great.
i have just been in the garden where the forsythia has put out yellow buds over the space of two days, the honeysuckle is bushy and full of new dark green leaves and the old, climbing banksia rose is putting out small, pale green leaves.
tete a tete's are pushing through the soil and the woad is a good five inches high.
i have had a feeling of peace settle over me,my present studies are almost over giving me 8 months of freedom and i suddenly have the urge to reconnet.
as is usual with me and my path i have had a few months of drifting, of being disconnected and this is only right given the terrible time we had over yule.
but with the turning of the greater wheel so my personal wheel has turned again and bringing with it peace and the urge to move further along my path, devote more time to it.
a sense of balance has been reached within the balance given to us by being midway between imbolc and beltane

the longer days that the equinox has brought means more time in the garden, more time away camping...nights sitting under the stars and moon watching their movement across the sky, watching bats flitting around and listening to owls...its enough to want to pack up the camper, unfinished as it is, and take off.