i have been so lethargic lately~mentally lethargic~laying in my virtual hammock and whiling away the hours
i sit down everyday with my books and papers in front of me and what gets done?
a big fat nothing
not a bean
i think its an accumulation of feeling unwell, swmapy is unwell with a really bad back, waiting for squishy to arrive and i think a developing spring fever...
we have had cold, frosty nights and the days have given us wonderful sunshine, although still cold.
all kinds of flowers are pushing their way up through the earth and the trees are coming into bud.
driving out of the village two days ago we came across a herd of about 15 donkeys, obviously just been let out onto the forest after our particularly hard winter. i know it has been so bad that many people took their animals off the forest and so seeing the donkeys is a sure sign the worst is over and spring is springing.

i have struggled this winter
i have always been a winter girl, loving the cold and wild weather.
as a pale red head hot summers have always been difficult, i don't function well in the heat.
but now i think my personal wheel has turned and i now find myself craving some sunshine and heat~i am looking forwards to a lovely warm summer with endless blue skies and days spent out of doors.
my wanderlust is raising its head too with the coming of spring and the fact that the interior in our camper being finished is on the horizon.
it means getting away and sitting under the stars at some peaceful destination and we are hoping that this year we will be able to get away more than we have been.
the last two years our old camper had become so unreliable and so costly to run we missed a lot of opportunities to get away. now we have a reliable, very economical camper with a lot more room and as we are building the interior ourselves the layout is perfect.
and of course we will have squishy to introduce to the joys of camping~Cody slipped into camping mode really well and always enjoyed the freedom of being able to be outside all of the time and we hope squishy will be the same.
well now i have bird song (not traffic noise here just bird song~how perfect is that?!) and a mild breeze coming through the open window near me so its time to go get a breath of fresh air
~where ever you are have a good day~