well now, i was up at 4.15 this morning and i am sitting here in my pyjamas and bedsocks, wrapped against the cold (no heating until 7.30!) in a big cardigan and scarf with a big mug of lemon tea...
...i couldn't sleep as i still had to proof read my last piece of work before submitting it so decided rather than lay there listening to the rain hammering down i might as well get up and finish it. its done and all i need to do now is submit it via my laptop. then i will put my books away until the beginning of february when my medieval history course starts. its such a feeling of satisfaction closing the file on my piles of paper, closing the books and putting them away in their cupboard.
so now i can look forward to my break away. i have had moments of horror at the thought of my journey, justifying it and the resultant carbon footprint, to the extent i updated my carbon footprint to include my flight. well, it still came out as below the national average by half. so i don't know why i am wasting my energy in worrying about it. when i think about it, the amount i recycle, the small amount we use our camper (generally about once a week, if that) and my tree planting activity (last year an oak, the latest being a rowan and more to come this year) i like to think that all of this will offset my flight.
so i am going to take my packed bag and actually enjoy my holiday and when i return home continue with keeping my carbon footprint down.
well, as i write the sky is going from black to a nice purple/blue and the first of the birds are starting their morning tunes. its going to be a busy day, doing the last of my packing and making sure i have everything and i am really excited. i have never been to new york and i understand from people who have been there that it is going to be a real experience.
i am really excited that the american folk art museum is only a short walk from our hotel so look forwards to visiting it, especially to see the textiles collection
well its 7.35 and i have to be ready to go to lymington with spooky at 9.30 so we can get any last minute essentials~i shall put the kettle back on, take a cup of tea into swampy to wake him up and watch the news for the lastest company shutting down over night. it seems every day some shop is closing down...maybe there will be some good news today?
*so to all my blogging family i say goodbye for a week*
*take care*