its been a day of study and draft writing today since i sat at my desk this cold and frosty day, now i have pushed my work aside for the day~i don't put it all away tidy any more, i leave my books open and papers spread around ready for the next days work, when i come back to my desk it is all there, open and ready for me~no need to go through everything to find where i left off the day before.
the sun is slowly starting to set now and things are going that pale pink of sunset. the temperature has not raised itself at all today and i find myself pulling my chair closer to the radiator to stay warm as i work~halfway feeling thankful we no longer live in a home with no heating except for one open fire and the ancient rayburn.
i am coming ever closer to the end of my two archaeology courses and part of me is glad~with only one course from february i will have a little time to myself, not much but enough. the trouble is trying to do a degree with something as problematic as m.e means i have to do double the work to get the same results. i find myself having to keep at least two steps ahead to allow for those days when i cannot do a thing. but i think of the huge sense of achievement when i graduate!
well time now to half pull the curtains to keep the warm inside, put the kettle on and put a casserole in the oven for our dinner tonight, i have a great pile of sprouts that need eating so i think i will have enough to make up bubble and squeak tomorrow~one of my favourite comfort foods!
*i hope you all saty warm and safe tonight*