i was up at 3.15 this morning in the hopes of seeing the
green comet or the Comet McNaught 2009 R1 that is gracing our skies at this time but was unlucky.
image michael jager
i will try again tonight and tomorrow night and tuesday when it is reported to be at its brightest
if you want to see where it will be go
here and scroll down~it shows a good layout of where to look in relation to the plough.
thank you all for your kind comments regarding my swampy.
he has been poorly for well over a year now and getting worse, although he has been plodding on, trying to keep a normal life as possible while having all kinds of different blood tests, investigations and changes in medication etc.
it was only because his consultant took notice of re-occurring abnormal liver functions and a leison on his liver (that previous doctors had chosen to ignore~i know, dont ask!) that he finally had his diagnosis.
at the moment they do not know whether his severe back pain and IBS are part of the AIH or separate problems, but i imagine once he starts treatment we shall eventually find out.
we are off to see the consultant the week after next in order to find out what is going to happen next.
its funny how much i took our health for granted until it all started to go downhill.
i remember never being unwell, with the exception of regular migraines, but since i have been living with m.e and then diabetes, and slowly having swampy unwell...
our world now revolves around trying to lead normal lives while juggling~remembering to take assorted medications at different times, regular doctor and hospital appointments...to say nothing of our individual problems~my dreadful memory (my short term memory is atrocious and a cause for some laughter), swampy can walk only very short distances before having to stop for a few minutes because of the pain.
i am thinking we need to carry this...
...with us when we are out!
we both have what my old doctor called 'invisible illness'~this is how he explained why i would have negative reactions from people in relation to my m.e.~i have had many people just look at me and say 'oh but you look fine'~well yes i
look fine', i think while biting my tongue, but come and live for a day in my body and have all my aches, pains, poor memory, extreme tiredness and then come and tell me i look fine!
we do not look obviously ill when people immediately meet either of us~although we both know the signs when each of us are really bad and i think we unconsciously make allowances for each other at these times and it doesn't always make for easy living.
while there is a lot we can no longer do and wish we could~oh we both miss snowboarding so much!~we do try to do somethings, such as our camping.
with a camper things are much easier, although there are some people who do not count a campervan as camping! our camping does not include hiking, rock climbing etc,we find somewhere, park, unpack the kettle and cups and tea bags, set up chairs and get out books and relax and enjoy mother nature and giving ourselves gentle walks while throwing a ball for flynt (he is still growing like a weed and enjoys catch with his ball each and every walk!).
then of course there is our small garden~we have had to accept we cannot manage even a half allotment plot between us and so grow what we can in our small garden~this year pea shoots, tomato's, cut and come again salad which i have planted in a large wooden vegetable crate and at the base of my blueberry bush, chillies and cucumbers which are planted among the plants as well as lots of different herbs. if this goes well we shall venture into potato's, peas and other things next year.
we hope to find a small corner to place a slimline water butt as well as incorporating a smallish compost bin.
i am also hoping that i can utilise a part of my mums huge garden~it is really a big wildlife garden with very old fruit tree's, pond and three lawns and a pet graveyard~with vegetables and flowers in pots. if there is no room for a compost bin here i am hoping to have one or two here at mums where there is much more room~it would be no problem in cycling my pre-compost state bits the five minutes down the road every few days.
well now, that turned into a post and a half didn't it?
the clouds are clearing now and it is time to have a little walk around the garden~when i opened the back door for flynt the smell of tomato's drifted in~it was wonderful
wherever you are have a great day