i have been flooded under a fog of a migraine since sunday~to make matters worse i had my Classical Studies exam yesterday and had done almost no revision since sunday.
what a time to have one that lasted longer than a day.
well i muddled through my exam, just knowing as i wrote that i was missing out important things like referencing sources~but you know, i just couldn't remember anything except the bare bones. my mind was a total blank.
i felt so relieved when it was over and went to bed full of the joys of summer for i now have eight months where my studies are not dominating my life.
that joy ended when i woke at 6am with the migraine back with a vengeance. its still there in the background.
i think i am stressed for keith has an important meeting regarding his health~the health problems that have been dogging him for over a year now has finally been diagnosed as auto-immune hepatitis.
this meeting can go either way so of course we are hoping for a good outcome and we can both stop feeling so stressed.
some fun is on the horizon however for we are off to a friends solstice camp on monday~the camp is only five miles from our home but on the coast over looking the isle of wight.
we only decided to go yesterday as a celebration for finishing my course and as either celebration or commiseration on the outcome of tomorrow.
so keep your fingers crossed for us tomorrow!