i have spent the last few days alternating between reading Eclipse sorting out my new bank account and practicing my crochet...

its a bit fuzzy as the photo was taken with my 'fuzzyberry'~camera still misplaced here! and it certainly doesn't do the color justice~i have several balls of merino wool bought a good 4-5 years ago (during one of my earlier, but useless, crochet periods)so this is in a most beautiful pale purple~i shall look out the camera!
i have to say that i am being a bit over excited over it it~but with good reason as you know.
i have no idea why i just couldn't 'get it'
now i totally get it and i feel like leaping for joy.
i sat in the garden today while swampy was doing a little tidying in the garden and flynt was chasing a young blackbird out of my blueberries (yes the birds have found all my lovely berries and i have no net) and decided to start on a small basic scarf project~just as a way of helping me remember and retain the basics.
i found it so much easier and relaxing than knitting~i found myself getting into a lovely gentle winding, twisting rhythm that i never had with knitting.
isn't it funny how something simple can bring so much joy?
to have something so long looked for suddenly click and feel so good.
later i shall be searching out a simple, but pretty afghan pattern online and i have decided that i may well treat myself to some nice wool for it~plus my sister has already placed an order for her own afghan!
i hope you are all having a good day too~and i hope you all popped over to Rens place :)

its a bit fuzzy as the photo was taken with my 'fuzzyberry'~camera still misplaced here! and it certainly doesn't do the color justice~i have several balls of merino wool bought a good 4-5 years ago (during one of my earlier, but useless, crochet periods)so this is in a most beautiful pale purple~i shall look out the camera!
i have to say that i am being a bit over excited over it it~but with good reason as you know.
i have no idea why i just couldn't 'get it'
now i totally get it and i feel like leaping for joy.
i sat in the garden today while swampy was doing a little tidying in the garden and flynt was chasing a young blackbird out of my blueberries (yes the birds have found all my lovely berries and i have no net) and decided to start on a small basic scarf project~just as a way of helping me remember and retain the basics.
i found it so much easier and relaxing than knitting~i found myself getting into a lovely gentle winding, twisting rhythm that i never had with knitting.
isn't it funny how something simple can bring so much joy?
to have something so long looked for suddenly click and feel so good.
later i shall be searching out a simple, but pretty afghan pattern online and i have decided that i may well treat myself to some nice wool for it~plus my sister has already placed an order for her own afghan!
i hope you are all having a good day too~and i hope you all popped over to Rens place :)