i can feel it~can you?
here in the northern hemisphere the summer solstice has drifted by in a haze of hot summer sun and now lughnasa is tapping on the door~
here in the northern hemisphere the summer solstice has drifted by in a haze of hot summer sun and now lughnasa is tapping on the door~

vincent van gogh
as is usual i unlocked my back door early and this morning, unlike other mornings of this hot summer, there is a slight chill in the air.
the chill that reassures me that the great wheel is turning and we are now on the cusp of ever increasing darkness.
don't get me wrong i have loved this summer, even the too hot days when i could not even go into the garden.
but i love the solitude and withdrawal of the shorter days.
i love sitting all cosy indoors on dark, wet and wild nights.
love going across the forest when the clouds are low and the wind howling~leaving our village invisible from the high heath land~hidden in its hollow like a secret in the mist.
so i felt a tinge of joy this morning when that slight chill greeted me.
i am sure many people up and about early will have not even noticed it, for now it has warmed up out there.
the high winds of the last few days have gone to blast some other land and the sky looks down, a bright blue with some mares tails drifting high above.
~but i know i felt it this morning~