its been a busy week this week in the new forest~not the least today.
i was at our little cottage hospital this morning to had my long awaited hysterscopy (or as i like to call it my hysterical-scopy.
as i had a general anesthetic i was happily oblivious to the indignity that followed and before i knew it i was being woken up and shortly after wheeled to my room.
did i say 'my room'? why yes indeed i did. when i arrived i expected to be on a small ward, but no i had my own room complete with bathroom and TV~which i didn't have time watch!
so now i wait six weeks until i find out whats what when i see my consultant again.
last night i had some good news~my final essay for my present course came back with a rather good 70%~now i just need to get my exam out of the way and then i am faced with eight months of freedom!
at the weekend we ventured back into dorset for our yearly h van rally~despite no longer owning our h van we still went along and will continue to go to support the group.
i love this campsite for where we always park up faces the neolithic dorset cursus...
i was at our little cottage hospital this morning to had my long awaited hysterscopy (or as i like to call it my hysterical-scopy.
as i had a general anesthetic i was happily oblivious to the indignity that followed and before i knew it i was being woken up and shortly after wheeled to my room.
did i say 'my room'? why yes indeed i did. when i arrived i expected to be on a small ward, but no i had my own room complete with bathroom and TV~which i didn't have time watch!
so now i wait six weeks until i find out whats what when i see my consultant again.
last night i had some good news~my final essay for my present course came back with a rather good 70%~now i just need to get my exam out of the way and then i am faced with eight months of freedom!
at the weekend we ventured back into dorset for our yearly h van rally~despite no longer owning our h van we still went along and will continue to go to support the group.
i love this campsite for where we always park up faces the neolithic dorset cursus...

and the land around it is full of barrows...

for now i shall leave you with this for the anesthetic is still drifting through my system and i have become so very sleepy...