self portrait wearing my green man t shirt~too cold to take off my jacket!
this was taken last week when i was in a considerably better humor~this week i am in a rather evil mood and sad to say taking it out on the world in general.
i am finding it difficult to feel calm and collected and centred~i think things snowballed~the breakdown in 'pretty pagan' and the subsequent bill meaning we had to cut short our short break next week and day out in glastonbury, my hospital visit and the uncomfortable pains that followed, feeling really tired...well actually feeling completely exhausted...
its all left me a very unhappy bunny to say the least~ho hum
maybe i need a tonic, i think its time to get my herbal books out and see what i can conjure up~or maybe it will be something as simple as a very early night with my book and a mug of hot milk...