'peak of the broad oak grove'

what about this little squishy, cutie then?
this is Sgurr an Doire Leathain and in a few weeks he shall be coming the 652 miles down from the Isle of Skye to live with us here in the new forest.
we were offered a pup from this litter two weeks after we lost cody but at the time said no to the very kind offer.
we finally decided to put ourselves forward to be placed on the breeders waiting list for her next litter, but instead we were given an offer we couldn't possibly refuse.
but we think we were meant to have him
he was born the day we lost cody and his litter-sister died within two hours, so we like to think cody is now busy looking after her
his kennel club name is taken from one of the 'monros', mountains in Scotland over 3000 feet high and all his litter mates are named after a mountain.
of course we shall not be using that name and so i have been busy thinking of a suitable house name for him, but keeping with the Gaelic theme.
so now we are busy considering everything that will need to be 'puppy-proofed', carefully considering plants for the garden that are not highly toxic to dogs and of course the excitement of buying new collar and lead.
its also very special because our good friend Al will be picking up his new pup in three weeks time~his pup can be seen here ~funnily his lovely old dog was named jodie, the name of our pups mum.