the new year here in the new forest has been all about the weather~after the snow and ice that kept us village bound for a good ten days came heavy rain and floods...

the single street that makes up our village ends with a ford~what the villagers have always called the 'watersplash'~on this day it was impassable.

take a left after the watersplash is a road that leads past what is known as the 'common' and heads up to an area of the forest known as 'ten bends'. the common and road became one huge lake

codys best friend snoop~not enjoying his walk. he was in fact carried for most of his walk this day

we have had the odd clear day and on this day we were treated to the most amazing sunset

with everything that has been going on i did not think to post a picture of the beautiful 'one-off' green man necklace swampy had made for me to go with 'my lady moon'~made by a wonderful soul known as roses

i have my birthday coming up and i know there is another 'one-off' item being crafted for me...