image by naul ojeda
another hot and sunny day today and we are off to our local farm shop for our weekly shop, then when i get home time to get my books out again for my essay.
yesterday i could have cried, trying to put all my research into some coherent form in my quest for good grades. in my last two essays i have had clear passes in the 60% range, which is good but in my last course i was getting passes in the 80% range~but i keep reminding myself that i am slowly creeping up the ladder and work will be getting harder the closer i get to my degree.
its hot out there!
we were back home before midday, it was so hot we just did what we needed to and rushed home.
crossing over the high moorland the ponies and cows could be seen sheltering under clumps of trees and we had our very special 'air conditioning' system on maximum...forget high technology air-con, in our old van we have a system like the ones in 2cv's~ a little button that you turn to lift a little flap that allows air in through the 'dashboard' (there is no dashboard either just a little ledge)...all very basic but it works okay for us.