hooray! while still hot today we have a lovely cool breeze blowing, making sitting in the garden much nicer.
we have been busy monitoring our bird box as the babies inside are now poking their heads out and we discovered one sitting chirping on our fence, it then hopped down onto the little hanging water feeder before falling into the flower bed below. we watched it for a while to see if it could fly back up but was unable, so swampy hurried out and popped him/her back in its home with its brothers and sisters.
oh i know there are some folk out there who would harp on about letting nature take its course, but i am sorry we wont let any of 'our' babies suffer. i sat watching for a while longer to check the parents would sill come back and feed them and they did~so to me all is well.
in fact sitting here now, with the back door open i can hear the babies chirping like crazy, you wont believe how loud they are. last evening i was sitting out as the sun was going down and was rewarded by our robin bringing two babies into the garden for a brief visit, having a quick drink and popping back into the high hedge where they are nesting.
i have been doing my essay today, it is finally coming into its final form and all being well i shall submit it tomorrow afternoon or early friday.

the annoying thing is last night i started a migraine, which went and then came back today at lunchtime, complete with really bad dizzy spells (why then am i blogging now i ask myself?) so i have asked my tutor for a day or two extension, just in case it gets worse and i cant submit when i had planned to.
*anyone else get migraines?*
so on that point i am going to make myself a strong, sweet coffe and lay down on the bed for an hour or two and fingers crossed it will go
if anyone has some healing energy to spare i will be grateful