driving back from the farm shop this week the skies were starting to clear, leaving us with the blue skies we have been enjoying~this the drive down into the hollow where our village lies, nestled in the forest

the forsythia in our back garden, which for some reason has been grown into a small tree. we had no idea what it was when we first moved in, but the buds started to emerge a few weeks ago and it was last week it burst into bloom~looking better with each day that passes.

i have been looking for an evergreen climber to put out the front ever since we moved in and at the farm shop they had this a nice four foot one~and as it was the only one i grabbed it! its a clematis armandii, which is the only clematis with any scent, apparently it smells of jasmine so i am really looking fowards to it in full bloom~and i just love those long leaves, makes me think of the elves in the LOTR!

well i bought the climber~but needed somewhere to support it, so pushed caution to the wind and bought a simple archway for over the door and moved the basket on the left to another area. from where i sit at my desk i can see the top tendrils winding their way around the arch~fingers crossed the farm shop will have another next week for planting the other side of the arch.

another new buy, which is on one of the walls in the back garden...

along with the bird house my mum gave us when we moved in and one of my green men.
the aim is to get another armandii for out the back. our neighbour jackie has one that goes all around her little cottage and looks lovely~so fingers crossed in a few years we will have a nice green and shady house!
i had some god news today, i have passed both of my courses that i took last year. so another step closer to my masters!