i have been tied up with my latest essay on medieval history and what with my laptop deciding to crash i have been all a muddle and out of sorts.
today however, with breaks in between to enjoy the sunshine (we have had the most glorious day here in the new forest!) i have pretty much done a good 95% of my work~i just need to spend tomorrow getting it tidy.
i have actually been really tired and exhausted for about for days so not even had the energy and inclination to sit at my lap top, today however i am feeling brighter.
i think last week was difficult as i had what i call my diabetes 'MOT' and it could have been a lot better, then i had to go with swampy to the dentist where he had a crown removed, only for the dentist to find an abscess under the crown so he took out the rest of the tooth, then on the strength of my MOT i was summoned to my doctor for a 'diabetes review' which ended up with an increase in my medication and being told i am anaemic and so now have to take tablets for that.
so all in all it was a stressful week and my m.e does not deal well with stress!!!
so i promise that at some point this week i shall come by your blog for a visit!