yesterday we planted out our rosemary, taking it from its temporary pot into the newly dug earth under our kitchen window, close to our front door.
the few little cuttings i took a while ago and placed in water on my 'desk top' alter has put out roots and i think its time to put them in pots too and maybe ask my big plant for some new sprigs...our front garden extends down the full length of our little home so i want to plant out plenty of herbs and flowers.
*rosemary is great for a whole range of things*
but do avoid during pregnancy & not recommended for epileptics
helpful for relieving temporary fatigue and overwork...put some in your bath at the end of the day!
a herbal tea is useful for relieving headaches; either add a few small sprigs to a tea bag, white tea is a good one or mint or just let the sprigs brew in hot water and what you dont drink use as a hair rinse!
a mental and physical booster~when i start to flag in my studies i tend to sit and smell my sprigs
it helps relieve general aches and pains.
improves memory and concentration, and reviving a tried brain...again thats why i have my sprigs right in front of me!
put some in your bath pick-me-up after a stressful, long day.
it stimulates the scalp, improving blood flow encouraging hair growth.
*and the one i love*
burn to purify and protect your space.
well time for me to get on with my work, all the bird feeders are topped up and i have a vanilla latte by my side. outside it is freezing cold, i am sure today is the coldest it has been during the day since we moved here~i am not sure we will do any planting today...