~passed over for a damp chill~

taken on my last walk up the old church~a cheery picture for a grey, damp day!

we seem to be on the cusp of the icy blast here in the new forest.

when i walked home from my mums yesterday it was decidedly chilly and when i checked the weather forecast it seems the dividing line between the rain and snow/sleet sat right over the top of us...well it has.

outside my window there is a steady stream of fine rain falling and the sky is one solid mass of grey...but it is chilly.

cody has just been let out and tracked very muddy paws through the hallway and his fur has soaked up what seems to be a whole river just in the space of five minutes!

still, i have a day of note taking today and hope to get the draft of my next assignment well under way~i did very little yesterday as i went to my mums then sat and watched two rugby union matches, Ireland of course being part irish and then Wales. although i have no welsh blood (not that i have discovered yet anyway!) but, as some of you know, my irish family settled in wales during the time of the famine and their children where given what we see as typically welsh names~possibly to integrate them into society at the time and some of them married into welsh families. so of course i always support wales in the rugby.

so where has the year gone?

it has sped by so quickly and now we are coming slowly closer to yule/the winter solstice.

this will be our first yule in our new roundhouse/hobbit hole and i plan on making it a really special one, i am already burning winter spice candles in the evening.

its special because i am back in the village after ten years away and to see my family on christmas morning will be a beautiful five minute stroll instead of a stressful two hour drive, i will be able to walk into the heart of the village at dusk to see the simple lights strung across the narrow road and the little real tree's above each shop and if the donkeys, cows and ponies are there its even better.

well as i sit here writing the sky is slowly clearing and the temperature is dropping somewhat~time to get my books out and get to work...