this is a hard post to write really.
i am not one for getting involved in 'stuff', especially 'stuff' involving people
its getting to the point where i am thinking of reaching for a bach remedy to try to get my head free.
imagine a new person being introduced to a close, established group who have been living in harmony for a long time.
they worm their way in... in the process destroying close bonds, creating disharmony, creating lies as truths...
they 'collect' people...
they 'collect' paths to follow...
they target vulnerable people...
but what to do?
i cannot see any form of direct confrontation being a possibility but its so hard to sit back and watch...its like waiting for a train wreak.
its hard to sit back and have friends upset, have their balances tipped, to sit back and watch vulnerable people targeted for whatever purpose...
you all have great, combined wisdom-what would you do?