
Finally!! I have it! haha remember that I told
you that on Chrismas my dad gave me an iPhone?
but I didn't like it because it was only 8gb so it
didn't have space for all the things that I have on
my iPod Touch not even my 12,000 photos! haha
so I told my dad about that & he told me that he
would change it but it took until now to arrive. The
other was the iPhone 4 white of 8gb & this one is
the iPhone 4S white of 64gb!! so I'm sooooo happy
right now that I could die haha I have to admit it
I thought that my iPhone wouldn't arrive but my
dad fulfiled it! thank you so much! & yes I know
sometimes I'm so stubborn & spoiled :S :$ & I need
to change that. but thanks again dad