Get Drunk ;)

Well Im so excited today! why?? because its friday!!
and what do I like more than fridays? Hollidays!
OMG its awesome! I wil not have classes Monday &
tuesday! Well maybe some of you will go of vacations
& maybe some of us will go to party ourselves!
hahaha yeah thats right(: Today I have a sweet sixteen
party or Xv's whatever you want to call it & well
I dont know maybe tomorrow I have a party in Román's
house so I dont know it seems that it'll be a nice
weekend, so please do me a favor & dont think about
homework in the next 3 days hahaha dont stress
yourself with homework now! you'll have more days
to finish it, & yeah I have pretty awesome ideas
you know? I want to party like a rockstar hahaha
so I will ;) and to hang out with my friends, nice
isnt it?(: so I hope you have an awesome hollidays
& try not to get too drunk ooh' wait a minute, lets
change it with ...get so fucking drunk this weekend!!
hahaha but be careful with the hangover ;)
hahahaha love&hugs