today is another fine day here in this ancient forest~more shoots are pushing up through the earth in the garden, although it is still too water-logged to walk on and really do anything constructive.
but seeing some blue sky and sunshine has lifted the spirits.
yesterday was a day for random photos~
i wear these two necklaces everyday~the triskele was a gift from swampy.
the other is one i made from beads and a pewter green goddess i bought on one of my trips to Tahoe.
silver bear and turquoise bracelet and another gift from swampy, a bear paw ring~again from our travels to Tahoe...looking at the amount of bear related things around our home is making me wonder if i am being told something~maybe its time for some meditation and inner journeying.
my kitchen windowsill~i love my pot of basil, i often ruffle the leaves just to have that wonderful smell, there are two small bits in a glass pot which i hope will produce some roots.
yes, that's two sticks you can see~if i find a particularly nice one i always bring it home, the thinner one is a piece of windfall from one of several holly trees which grows around the longslade view bronze age barrow where we often walk flynt down the hill to the long disused railway track that linked our village to burley and ringwood.
you can see my mini propagator there too~i am awaiting my first batch of micro /baby salad leaves.
between the rooting basil and propagator is a jar containing my home grown lavender. i have had two large bunches of it drying in brown bags in our airing cupboard~one for two years (!!!) the other for a year and i have to say the two year batch is much better...
i shall be making some lavender bags with this at some point for a giveaway.
my little Portuguese chicken sitting next to his bigger brother.
i bought on the cruise and we stopped at Madeira~oh i so love this gorgeous little island and hope to return again one day. if you click here there are some great photos of the island and you will see why i fell in love.
i have been feeling the need to introduce some new recipes into my cooking so down came my much loved cookbook...
there are some great and unusual salads and salad dressings here and an omelet that is on my menu for the coming week~i shall keep you posted.
*have a great day everyone!*