it's been a fairly quiet few days since my last post and the autumn equinox~alban elfed~belated blessings to you all~has passed~where has the year gone to i keep asking myself?
however the equinox was just perfect here in this ancient forest~i managed to go out for a morning walk with swampy (who is not the original swampy!) and little flynt at bolton's bench in the neighbouring village of lyndhurst~i, of course was disorganised and didn't have either my mobile or my camera~swampy however had his mobile and i shall post them when he gets round to sending them to my e-mail.
but take my word for it, it was the most perfect autumn morning~a fine mist hung over everything and the dew on the ground highlighted the spiders webs in the bushes and grass. the leaves are slowly changing color and over the heathland the bracken is turning the most glorious orange/red and the purple heather jumps out at you.
the pannage season started a week early this year~a sure sign of autumn and every day i feel so lucky to be living here.
my crochet projects continue and the addiction grows, although some days my hands and wrists are too painful to hold my hook and work the yarn.
i bought this gorgeous 'shadow tweed' to make myself an appropriately colored scarf for the cold days ahead~they also had some that looks exactly like the bracken and so i plan to go back and buy some next week.
however the equinox was just perfect here in this ancient forest~i managed to go out for a morning walk with swampy (who is not the original swampy!) and little flynt at bolton's bench in the neighbouring village of lyndhurst~i, of course was disorganised and didn't have either my mobile or my camera~swampy however had his mobile and i shall post them when he gets round to sending them to my e-mail.
but take my word for it, it was the most perfect autumn morning~a fine mist hung over everything and the dew on the ground highlighted the spiders webs in the bushes and grass. the leaves are slowly changing color and over the heathland the bracken is turning the most glorious orange/red and the purple heather jumps out at you.
the pannage season started a week early this year~a sure sign of autumn and every day i feel so lucky to be living here.
my crochet projects continue and the addiction grows, although some days my hands and wrists are too painful to hold my hook and work the yarn.
i bought this gorgeous 'shadow tweed' to make myself an appropriately colored scarf for the cold days ahead~they also had some that looks exactly like the bracken and so i plan to go back and buy some next week.

...actually these photos do not do the color any justice at all~in reality it reminds me of blackberries and purple heather.

this is a close up of the circlet i made for the handfasting~ivy with tiny tea roses and small pine cones~as my outfit was quite autumnal with greens, orange and browns i wanted something to reflect it. it now hangs from our mantle waiting the next festivity.

a few weeks ago i was sitting in our living room and i could hear a strange sound~at first i thought our neighbour was doing some noisy gardening but when i peeked out i saw one of the forest ponies enjoying the grass in our front garden. she had left her foal in the neighbouring road, managed to get through the kissing gate that someone had thoughtlessly left open and made her way down the road. luckily the other neighbouring road is closed from the main road by a cattle grid so she would not have been able to get onto the area of the village where it is too dangerous for the animals to roam. just as i took the photo the agister appeared and proceeded to herd her back up, through the gate to be reunited with her foal.
today we will shortly be off to have 'pretty pagan' put through her MOT re-test. she failed miserably last week and so funds have been spent on repairs~but luckily we had to replace things that all being well will not need replacing for another ten years or more of happy camping. it will take about an hour so of course my crochet shall be with me, although typing this has made my hands and wrist hurt so i am not so sure i will be able to get anything done...