we set off for avebury on thursday on a very hot day indeed, although luckily we only live fifty miles from the campsite so did not face a long drive.
our journey took us across salisbury plain and it was baking hot and we drove by stonehenge, which was heaving with people...i last visited stonehenge many years ago~in fact i was eighteen, long before the fences were put around the stones.
looking through the fence as we passed and seeing how far people are kept from the stones and how many people there were all around its hard to imagine feeling any of the energies of the stones~

on we drove until the campsite surprised us down a small road~parked up we had a lovely view

and a lovely sunset

friday was so very hot and was a day for sitting in the shade with a book and watching the buzzards drifting above us and the robin family busy flitting in and out of the hedgerow of hawthorn that surrounded the site

and of course it was a time for our friends from across the country to drift in ready for the day out at avebury the next day.

the lovely roses trying to contact a friend~this is the lady who has created the wonderful jewellery that swampy has had made for me over the past year

a really unusual weather vane which swampy is going to try to replicate for our own garden

sujee, seawitch bythesea and chrissie
kit who originally brought us all together through her Stonewylde books kindly hired the little village hall for the day~originally in the event that it was cold and wet.
as it was it proved a welcome respite from the heat where people would drift in and out throughout the day to shelter from the sun

sujee and bilbo

as we all heading back to a canal side pub for the evening to eat the moon was riding high above the stones.
it was a truly magical day and one that i think we all never wanted to end~from a random group of people from all walks of life and all with differing spiritual paths who came together through kits amazing books over the last few years we have grown into a very special family~a little tribe of wonderful, beautiful people