some spring color on my alter

things are pushing their way up through the earth here quickly, despite the seemingly endless rain and still chill our back garden we have...

we put these in last year and cannot for the life of us remember what they are~possible triple headed daffodills.

woad~this travelled with us from dorset where it lived in a large pot and since moving here it has been moved twice, but still it flourishes

the banksia rose~its first spot in the garden didnt agree with it so it was moved, only a few meters, but it has worked wonders

honeysuckle, growing like a weed and looking wonderful

forsythia adding some much needed color
the front garden is looking much better, here is the arch we have put around our front door where we are growing two different types of clematis

blooms on the clematis armandi smell glorious

the two hanging baskets are full of ivy and hearts ease

a tiny purple anemone near the front door

the side of the bungalow looks cheery with a long drift of daffodills