this came from the lovely twiggy a few weeks ago and i am finally getting it up on my blog~sometimes my mind is such a sieve {solsticedreamer gives a big sigh}
and as when twiggy posted hers, today here in the new forest is a cold, damp, grey day~it started out promising, a light mist through which i could see blue sky but slowly the clouds took over and it is ever-so dull.
i am also feeling really unwell today~just regular M.E, moontime combination and so need to just be.
i have taken up my place on the sofa and burning some vetiver oil sent to me by my friend, blended with lavender.vetiver is very like patchouli, which from my last post you know i am rather fond of! it is said to regenerate mind, body and spirit as well as being relaxing,as is lavender, all of which i really feel i need right now.
so today i am giving thanks that i can spend the time just sitting here, with no plans made for the day~i am going to have some soup later and select a few books that dont need proper reading, that i can flick through and pick out pages of interest, i may get my knitting out, i may have some special hot chocolate, brought back from america, that i have been saving for when its really needed~and i think today is one of those days.
as this has been out there with you for a little while now i shall not pass it on but i ask you all today~
***what are you giving thanks for today?***