after what seems like days and days of strong winds and lashing rain the sky cleared yesterday, the wind dropped and we woke this morning~the first day of december~to a pale blue/white sky and a heavy frost.
its wonderful~everything feels so still, motionless.
we went away for two nights at the weekend to join other members of the vanfest committee, staying at the three counties showground and so when i woke on saturday and peeked out of the window of 'pretty pagan' i was greeted with this view...

driving home however was dreadful, we were driving south and the bad weather was heading north/north west and so we were driving into the bad weather and it was getting colder and colder.
we drove down the long road, from one village to ours, the trees had finally lost the last of their leaves, making it seem even colder

the bridge which allows us to cross the river into the village was high...

and the smaller streams further on had burst their banks, making silvery streams across the grass

the trial run of pretty pagan went well~everything worked that should, the layout we have designed works and the huge bed was very comfortable~and so swampy has come home keen to get working and get it all finished. the only problem we had was heat! we were using a small fan heater which was really noisy and so now need to look for something that gives out decent heat with no noise!
now it is back to normal and my studies...