i never thought a post would generate so much interest and i love it that you all feel the same about faceache~it reinforces the notion that i am not some socially inept person for my dislike of facebook and all that it is.
although i do still have my account i am so tempted to wipe it out completely~
what if...
what if i do delete my account...
would i miss the contact with my friends?
i would...
and so it stays but i feel so wonderfully liberated from it, just from the small act of deleting applications and refusing more.
there is so much more in my life right now...

my studies for my masters in history/classics continues, although because of my recent flu bug and the disruption of having a new kitchen fitted means i am a little behind. as of tomorrow the kitchen will be finished~we have the tiler in today and so i find myself shut up in the bedroom at the far end of the house with the sun shining through the window taking the chill out of the air.
i have knitting projects on the go and i have finally launched into the joy of crochet!

i have been able to knit since my mum taught me when i was about 6 years old but have never been able to crochet, despite many attempts. mum could crochet but for some reason was unable to teach me!
a few years ago i bought a book which told me it was so easy to learn...hmmmmm i don't think so.
i think the years of knitting was so ingrained in me i had 'crochet block'~in frustration my hooks went into my knitting bag never to see the light of day until this week.
my neighbour kindly knitted me a gorgeous brown poncho after i had admired her own, plus a matching hat and a 'granny' blanket for when we have pretty pagan camping ready.
so at the weekend out came one of my hooks, a ball of wool and my book...i produced the most dreadful little piece of work in the world...ever. so when pauline popped in the other day i showed her my awful work and i had an instant masterclass.
my word~it is easy!
at the moment i am just working away at what will be a scarf~a bit wonky at the start but a scarf just the same and one i will be proud of, it is a combination of single, double and triple in blocks of three rows, as repetitive practice.
i have to say i am so cack-handed! my tension is all over the shop and i am working as if i am knitting~i think it will take me some time to find it effortless but i am really enjoying it.
it feels a bit more 'portable' than knitting if that makes sense~just yarn and a hook.
nice and simple.
i have been re-reading marion zimmer bradleys 'avalon' books.

i first read 'the mists of avalon' in 1984 (oh my i feel old!) when i started college and it took my breath away. then when they came out the prequels~'the forest house' and the three part 'lady of avalon'.
i have read them, as i do with 'the lord of the rings' and manda scotts 'boudica' books, every few years and i have just started again 'the mists of avalon'.
however there are a few that i have not read, so i imagine it will be soon time to visit my local bookshop!
i have also finally decided to do something i have wanted to do for many years but have never done anything about it~i was prompted into it by my friend carp (obviously not his real name!)~someone i have known for a while now and first met him at avebury earlier this year.
anyhoo~after some e-mails back and forth i took the plunge and decided the time was right to learn a new instrument...
watch this space...
*todays soundtrack~a night out with the dubliners*