i would like to send huge hugs of thanks to mel and sue ~the purple pixie~ for this great award
for those of you who don't know, it originated with sue and her post...
As honest bloggers we:
* Speak our truth from the heart and tell it like it is.
* Share openly and honestly our true feelings without fear of judgement, Blame or shame.
* We write to share our achievements so others can also share our joy.
* We write about our bad times too, knowing that the love and support of others is around us and perhaps heal another’s pain in the process..
*We are human beings will real feelings and emotions and REFUSE to hide behind a mask.
* We dare to be different
* We are Free Spirits
* We realise that by spilling out, we lighten our load.
* We acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses and don't see them in terms of success or failure.
* We laugh together and cry together
* We are all following our own journey in our own unique way
* Above all else, we may lie on the floor, screaming and kicking, or feel like life is collapsing around us once in a while….but at the end of the day, we drag ourselves up, dust ourselves off and rise to fight another day.
For we are Warrior Women and we write not to please others, stroke our own egos or be judged, we blog because we care!
Our blogs are our therapy, and through sharing SHIfT HAPPENS!
i really love this...i love it a lot.
when i started this blog in june of 2007 i never imagined that two years down the line i would still be blogging and have had so many visitors~let alone all of you regular lovelies that visit me. i never thought my ramblings would cause people to come back for more.
i always thought my blog would be a place to be honest, a place to say what was on my mind and also a place to share my spiritual path and hopefully inspire others to follow their true path in this life~i was never entirely sure i achieved this but now i think i may have...
although this is not like a meme to pass around i would like to pass this award to the bloggers whose writings i love...some of you i am sure will have it from someone else~but accept it with love from me...and if you are not visitors to their worlds, please do so!
sue ~the purple pixie~ who was one of the first bloggers i visited and as well as being a true creative soul has given me some inspiration on my path
mel whose blog, unlike sue, is one of my more recent discoveries and what a wonderful find
the truly wonderful robyn and suzie who have been sharing their journey of up's and down's with amazing honesty