today i did something i have wanted to do for years~
i took the plunge and bought myself a pair of Birkenstocks...almost like these, a kind of browny leather.
years ago i read a book in which a hippyish character was wearing a pair and they sounded so lovely and comfortable i coveted a pair for my very own.
since having swine flu my m.e has been much worse and even my lovely handmade for me green boots sometimes make my feet ache so badly i wanted something with the reputation for comfort for those days.
i took the plunge and bought myself a pair of Birkenstocks...almost like these, a kind of browny leather.
years ago i read a book in which a hippyish character was wearing a pair and they sounded so lovely and comfortable i coveted a pair for my very own.
since having swine flu my m.e has been much worse and even my lovely handmade for me green boots sometimes make my feet ache so badly i wanted something with the reputation for comfort for those days.

i am hoping they arrive before i go away next thursday so i have something comfortable for plodding around in.
tomorrow we return to dorset to collect our new camper.
well i say camper in the lose description of the word-it is partly converted into a camper with some essential, expensive bits already in place, which means we will have some extra money for our own conversion.we are taking a train ride down to weymouth, past all our old stamping grounds~it will be so good to see maiden castle again.
once tomorrow is out of the way i shall be spending the following three days in some intensive revision-if i am anything like i usually am in producing great essays when under pressure of an immediately impending deadline then i think i should retain plenty of information to produce four pieces of written work of a standard to pass my exam.
busy days~i look forwards to them being over...