~*~lughnasadh blessings to all my friends~*~
*~*to those who celebrate today and those who celebrate at the closest full moon*~*
~*~a time to harvest and give thanks to our gods', goddesses' and earth spirits for their gifts~*~
i don't know about you, but here in the new forest its pouring with rain and there is a distinct chill in the air~but then that's only right when we now face the waning of the sun to darkness and the sacrifice of the green man to continuing life.
its that first chill of autumn hiding among the gorse and heather of the open forest, hanging in the branches of the tress that are already shedding the first of their brown leaves. the first inkling of the turning inwards for us all as the days draw shorter and darkness comes knocking at the doors and windows that are slowly closing~keeping us snug in our roundhouses as the fires burn and we tell stories throughout the dark months.
but remember its also our own time to reap~those things we started back in the spring sowing~what are you finishing at this time? what are you planning to start?
i am still saying goodbye to nan, i am coming to the end of my present year of study and very soon to move onto another and during the dark evenings i plan to sit in front of the fire and work on the big patchwork quilt i have always wanted to do. simple things.
~i shall be celebrating at the full moon in my sacred garden and hope we have clear skies and lets not forget it will be our time to focus on earth healing too~