freshly caught fairy folk***~~~***new forest trading
*in a jar*
this is how i am feeling right now, keeping to doctors orders.
i still have a few days left in my 'isolation ward', although as beth, keiths niece, who has been here all week, is off with my sister until tomorrow, i can be a bit more 'free range' with my germs.
i am feeling much better now, my temperature is down but i have developed a highly unattractive, hacking cough and keep feeling really cold.
i am at that stage where i feel better but not well enough to be back to normal.
last night i was going crazy and really needed to get out~despite having my windows wide open i felt as if i could not get enough air, so, gaining swampy's permission went into the back garden for five minutes~enough time to watch the rising moon coming up and shining through the wild, rambling roses~a fine sight. i soon became cold so went back to bed where i spent an hour coughing and sneezing. great.
this morning i woke and felt awful and its only in the last couple of hours i have felt well enough to have a play on my laptop and have another five minutes in the garden, before i came over all feeble and hurried, slowly back to bed~which is where you find me now.
today my sister and beth went off to london to the second of our take that adventures~without yours truly obviously~i so wanted to stay in that swish hotel.
i have given into a journalling compulsion i have had for a long, long time~always resisting, always telling myself i had a journal, in fact two journals, three if you count blogging.
so as compensation for missing the weekends adventure i ordered myself a soft cover Moleskine notebook~mmmmmmmmmmmmm

my journaling has always been hit and miss and sitting on the train from manchester last week~secretly incubating the flu i imagine~i had a collection of thoughts that i immediately knew i would forget all about very quickly, my m.e plays havoc with my short term memory something dreadful~all i remembered of these thoughts later was to tell swampy it was 'significant'. not in a global, save the world kind of significant, but significant to me. i have had a lot of thoughts like that, which remain in my mind as things i wished i had remembered...
i have visions of my new,improved journal, i just have to brave when looking at those pristine pages and journal with a frenzy!
well now that was a bit ambitious of me.
i moved myself into the living room to watch the tour time trials~after five minutes i was really cold, decided while i was 'up and about' have a quick bath~i am now back in bed feeling very unwell.