another drift of days go by without my blogging or visiting blogs
my trouble is i neglect my studies and then go crazy trying to catch up
i have decided its time to re-arrange my days in an attempt to squeeze in all i need to do along with everything i would like to do
of course my main priority is my studies, so this morning, once i had caught up with my reading and found myself back on track i decided the best way to get all the reading and note taking i need to do each week done is to split my reading into chunks with the help of small post-it's dividing the pages into four days worth of study~approximately four days of 3-4 hours work to be done in the morning...so far so good!
that leaves me with guilt-free time for our garden~which swampy started to dig over last week and even reached the point of marking out curving flower beds and sowing grass seed on saturday...some to turn into grass and some for any birds who may need some. then of course we have our allotment, we have two beds dug but need to get the rest done as i have peas, beans and peppers that will soon need a better home...also we want to finish our floor laying and decorating.
i needed more creative activities; i have a large cross stitch that i started years ago and work on when the urge takes me~for some reason i have to be in the right mood to do it and months can go by without me touching it, but recently i have had a strong urge to do a bit more...plus there is my knitting and curtains and cushion covers to make for our forever home, to say nothing of books to read and cakes to bake! i have also had an inkling to get my art pad and water color pencils out and create on paper~i keep getting ideas and images in my head that i really want to get down on paper.
so please send me some encouraging thoughts for keeping to my self-imposed timetable :)
one good thing is that over the weekend, with the prospect of my mum and sister coming for dinner, i have been giving our little home a good clean and tidy, still struggling to find homes for bits and pieces from when we moved in and moving the things that swampy 'accumulates' on windowsills and in the kitchen! in the absence of bedside tables i am using an old kitchen chair and an old school stool covered with vintage floral fabric which i think looks quite interesting, so have decided to paint both as they both look a bit too distressed and keep them in the bedroom.
i am hoping that in another couple of months things will be much more settled and can then look forwards to a few trips away in pippin~Wales is still beckoning!