fired up by my recent tree oracle we set off for the 'southern' stonewylde moot at avebury and it was a lovely sunny day as we drove through the forest.

our journey took us through the ancient village of downton in wiltshire, about ten miles from our own village. i have fond feelings for the village as i have roots there going back, as far as i have researched so far, to the 1600's. this village and the ones of whiteparish, sherfield english and compton chamberlayne are all within ten miles of salisbury and i have traced family back to the 1500's in compton chamberlyne

old sarum

bronze age round barrows that dot the land around stonehenge~these are part of the winterbourne stoke barrows

heading out across salisbury plain the weather does not look good

the neolithic silbury hill~the tallest man made mound in europe
the following pictures are all of the moot at avebury~most of us were meeting new people for the very first time but we all connected and good friendships were forged during our time together
*look out for the crop 'circle'*

a goodbye group photo~until we meet again

more barrows~this time just outside of avebury

our route takes us across salisbury plain

taking a different route home we drive by stonehenge as the rain statrts to fall

the rain continues beyond stonehenge

sailsbury cathederal

a few miles down the road and back in the new forest the sun is out and it looks like summer

foals are starting to spring up all over the forest now
~of bodhrans~
carp had arrived in avebury earlier than all of us and had been in the henge shop where he had something to show me~a beautiful bodhran with a triskele painted on the skin. as is usually the way of things i did not have the money to buy it there and then, but handling it made me want to get myself one even more~almost as if there was a vibration calling to me. he had also brought his didj as he was hoping to go to the west kennet long barrow to play for a while in the chamber, so he gave a short solo performance~the sound was amazing so i have decided to buy a didj once i have my bodhran and had a few months practice.
oh and he gave us the most wonderful bird house he had made (picture to come!) so thank you so much!