many thanks for your comments about our fledgling garden~in answer to twiggy's question about a veggie patch i would like to announce our allotment!

today we popped out to check the plot we have been allocated, although once there we then had some disagreement over which part of the plot was ours!
we came home and telephoned the parish council to clarify which was ours and ended up doing a bit of negotiating. they are in such high demand these days that the original, monster, single plots are now divided into quarter plots, however that still leaves us with a plot that is 16 ft by 75ft (about 5m by 23m).
however after some thinking about the amount of clearing for this plot~because of my m.e the majority of the heavy work is down to poor swampy~we called back and it seems more plots are available and one lady wants to change plot so next week the parish councellor who deals with them is going to re-jig all the the plot above is no longer ours!
but here are some more photos of the whole site to give you an idea of how lovely it is up there!