Every end of a semester a friend of mine do parties to celebrate,
yesterday was one of them, there is a week left to end the semester
but he prefered to do it yesterday haha it was nice, & so local, just
the closest friends & it was very nice, I don't know why but always
when I'm in that house I mix alcohol with other things & baam! I
finish well, "bad" I wasn't drunk, I wasn't high. I was numb, I didn't
know exactly if the things that were happening were happening for
real & I tried to got myself together but it was impposible, the last hour
of the party I was in my own world, really I didn't feel good at all & the
only thing that I was praying for, was to feel better, but well I survived! haha
my mom picked me up & she noticed it too, today in the morning she told
me that I need to moderete the way I drink. I should take the advise but
the most important thing "to not mix effects at all" after all it was a nice party.