this week kits blog and her post took me to an older post at loose and leafy
as a result i have become a
tree follower
you can go and read the idea behind it but the rough around the edges idea is to select a particular tree and follow its life through a year.
so i have chosen the rowan.
actually the rowan that we planted in our sacred garden the first year we moved here, when it was little more than a small twig with a few roots.
its first fuzzy buds in, i think, 2009...
look closely to the left of the photo and you can see the tiny rowan...
this was taken last summer...
this is just an introductory post to my year following my rowan as i am cutting this post short due to painful hands...
i shall tell you more about me and the rowan next time...
read: tilly greenway and the secrets of the ancient keys, book one-watchers by essi tollingas a result i have become a
tree follower
you can go and read the idea behind it but the rough around the edges idea is to select a particular tree and follow its life through a year.
so i have chosen the rowan.
actually the rowan that we planted in our sacred garden the first year we moved here, when it was little more than a small twig with a few roots.
its first fuzzy buds in, i think, 2009...
look closely to the left of the photo and you can see the tiny rowan...
this was taken in its second summer...
this was taken last summer...
this is just an introductory post to my year following my rowan as i am cutting this post short due to painful hands...
i shall tell you more about me and the rowan next time...
taste: horlicks
see: grey sky
hear: bird song
smell: nothing
touch: laptop
think: unease
feel: pain