well now, i meant to post about what i found at the hermitage a few days ago...
i expect some of you have been there already...
have you?
did you find it exciting?
i tell you i nearly fell of my chair from excitement.
rima writes...
For some time I have wanted to make an image with which to start a quiet revolution on the backs of service station toilet doors, on the billboards behind carparks, over the screens of insidious train-journey advertising
In deep hatred for the feeling I get when I am forced to enter motorway service station cafes, shopping malls or toilets, I wanted to rail against all that is bland and homogeneous and commercial and life-suckingly chrome-and-concrete and spreading un-refuted like a disease across our land
do you not get a shiver of excitement from reading the words 'quiet revolution'?
a few times i have blogged about my dis-satisfaction about our world and how the soul has been leeched from it in so many ways and rima has expressed oh-so perfectly what so many of us have been thinking for a long time.
are you going to join this beautiful, quiet revolution?
bland and homogeneous and commercial and life-suckingly chrome-and-concrete