Sadly my 3rd semester has come to the end, it
was a weird & fun semester. Weird because my
ex boyfriend broke up with me & well this time was
definately the end, so it was weird because all the
time I was with him & a little painful to see him with
another girl but I got use to it, but now we are friends
I guess haha & it was a lot of fun too because after
that I had more friends so it was so nice to hang on
with them & go to parties & have a nice time, so like
all the things it has their good & bad side, also this
semester my teachers were so cool! that I had a great
friendship with them that my biology's teacher Edson
& I used to eat Oreos with peanut butter in class! haha
& the old ones just became more friendly & fun. Another
semester has finished & a lot of more & new memories
came with it (: so as always this photos are the best
moments of the 3rd semester :D