its been one of those days today where my concentration is poor, really poor.
i set out to do a few hours study this morning, then again this afternoon~buts its one of those days where i just cant.
there is a restlessness in my mind that i cannot overcome.
i have to answer rose here who asked how i was burning my incense~for this kind of loose incense i use small charcoal discs that i bought in starchild although they can be bought in any good hippie shop.
i burn mine in a wee cast iron cauldron that swampy bought me in burley at the coven of witches in one of our neighbouring villages.
it has finally turned quite wintery here in this ancient forest, the sunsets have been a little gloomy of late, but spectacular nonetheless...
now we wrap up warm when walking flynt and the tree's are finally dropping their leaves and the pools that dried up over summer are filling up again~in one area we walk the woods are full of small pools, hiding among the tree's and there is always a special, yet secret feeling about them.
as if, if you stood there long enough, your gods and goddesses would be sure to find you...
the berry bearing tree's and bushes are full of colour as you can see with the holly here~as they were last year~prompting many people to predict a hard winter...
this particular walk always guarantees the finding of the fly agaric~the fairy story mushroom...
i dont know why but i am always drawn to taking their photo.
this week was my yearly opticians appointment and as i have every year for the past four year, i have had to have a stronger prescription for my far sightedness.
but now i face the prospect of having to wear glasses most of the time for near sightedness.
i noticed about six months ago that when out i was having problems focusing on the distant tree's and not being able to read signs until they were very close.
so i have chosen new usual plain, black style to go with my new varifocal, i feel vauguely old now!
i am a little apprehensive as i had such trouble with bifocals last year and gave up with them~resulting on my spending most of my time with my glasses (as i am while typing this!) perched halfway down my nose so i can peer over the top of them while reading or doing my crochet.
i vow i will try my hardest to get used to them~however i did opt for the premium lens which gives a larger area of lens to see through.
here in our little 'round house' things are in full swing for winter nesting~swampy is decorating the hallway a warmer colour than we used when we moved in, which i hope will feel much more welcoming when we come home on cold days.
now, some of you may remember my post from march
there i talked of painting our front door and rebellious bright red
well tomorrow it will be the said bright red!
and swampy had the most wonderful idea for our house number, which i shall keep secret for now...but watch this space!
well its now nearly dark and an evening of torchwood beckons~along with pizza and garlic bread
~have a good evening everyone~