Can I say something? I know that no one
really read this & I'm glad of that, because
I can express myself & take everything
good/bad/sad etc. out of me & here's one
fact, I don't believe in love I simply
just don't & I think I'll never believe in it,
& the sad thing is that is not because of my
mistakes on my relationships or things like that
but my parents, I don't like to blame people
but that is the sad true, I don't believe in love
because of their marriage, because of the
shit that my father did, & all the crazynest
of my mom, because of all the things I had to
live, ppff they way they acted in their marriage
is more than wrong, that's why I was sad last
friday, that's why I don't trust anybody, that's
why I don't like to be in love, because when I'm
in love I give everything & people don't give the
same as you, never! & I have to admit that I'm
afraid of falling in love with somebody & that
my relation could be the same as theirs & the
worst part of everything is that I'm so in love
with a guy that is a completly dumbass & I love
him so fucking much, I know that he loves me too
but he does sometimes really stupid things that
well, what can I say? I don't know what to believe
in now, my parents should be the ones that had
to teach me the most important things, and they
didn't, so I needed to learn it somewhere else
& maybe where I learned it was not the best place
because I learned from bad friends that never
really gave a damn for me & maybe that's the
whole reason Iam how Iam & maybe that's the
reason I do the stupidest things acting so reckless
& without knowing the consequences & having
all this problems & ok ok ppff I think I'm done here
& I really need a cigarette right now u.u
too bad I don't have a lighter
That's why I always say to the people around me
"You know my name not my story & you know my
smile right? that means you don't know me at all
& you never will..."