~blessings & sloes~

alban elfed

the autumn equinox

the last harvest
the light of the water


here in the north we reach the point in the great wheel of the year where for a time everything stands in balance between the light and the dark

its the last of the harvest which began at lughnasadh and we give thanks to the goddess for her bounty

we find ourselves moving into the darkness where the sun will grow weaker and the days shorter.


this morning i stepped into the garden with my wool shawl over my 'jamas and it really was
we are lucky as we do not live near a main road and the air is much cleaner.
so stepping out and breathing in the chill, clean air felt so good.

the sun is shining and is appropriate for the last harvest i am going out to harvest sloes to make sloe gin~they have taken some finding but my sister finally found enough for me and the creatures of the forest to share.

later i am going to do a little in my sacred garden.
a tidy of my nook (the rambling rose has gone wild while we were away and i have lots of long 'rambles' that need to be tied up...next year my nook really will be a shady spot to shelter from the sun), clearing some of the dead flowers, but of course leaving plenty of winter cover for the small beasties of the garden.
i will also see if swampy will drill out some bamboo stakes so i can make a few small solitary bee 'hives'.

once the nook has been cleared a little i plan on sitting out there


