So today is the father's day, so we wen't
to take breakfast, then to go to Sams &
finally to a book store, my dad was
reading in the magazines section haha
so I took advantage of that & I bought
2 new books :D Actually I'm reading
"La Divina Comedia" of Dante Alighieri
is the 2nd time I read it haha it's awesome
I love it! so when I finish reading it I will
start with this new ones, the first one is
about a girl who has an ED [Eating Disorder]
& she starts to compete with her roomate,
to see who loses more weight & one girl
die about that & the one who is alive start
to see the ghost of her roomate, I really want
to read it, it seems interesting & the other one is
100 tips to decorate your bedroom hahaha I
like that kind of books I don't know why &
maybe I could decorate my bedroom why
not? so I can't wait to read them! Hugs