Well as you saw in the last post my birthday
was this last friday the 13th(: my super sweet
sixteen haha and well it was nice, when it was
12:00 o'clock my boyfriend Román sent me a
happy birthday message, and then my mom
entered to my room and told my happy birthday
and she gave me this wonderful camara! in the 1st
photo it's just perfect because my last camara was
broken and I love to take photographs so :D and
then at 6:45am Román went to my home and he
gave me my gift(: [2nd & 3rd photo] the Lacoste perfume
and a lot of balloons & candies, I went to the school and
we went to take breakfast at Black coffee with some
friends [4th Photo] after school Román&I went to my
grandparents house and well my mom had another
big surprise for me! days ago I told her that I wanted
a cake just like the 5th photo and well she did something
amazing! the cake she did by herself was the 6th photo
OMG I was totally shock because for me it was even better
than the cake I saw on internet! and honestly I never
thought that she would do it haha so it was very good,
and I discovered other thing, that maybe Im not that popular
girl that I look like, I dont have a lot of friends actually,
Román is my only best friend and my boyfriend and I love
that! I can tell him everything(: and well I have a
wonderful mother that loves me no matter what
and she always wants to see me happy, so I really
appreciate that, because I know that my family or at
least my mom always gonna be there for me(: [7th photo
my mom&I and 8th photo my brother&I] so mom and
Román thanks for this wonderful day(: It was just
amazing(: and nevertheless I didnt see at all my dad
thanks too(: love you all. Hugs