We took this photos on febrery 14th(:

It was febrery 14th(: and yeah i know its the best
opportunity to spend your money in expensive gifts and
details but nevertheless all of us have known as well
that we dont need a special day to celebrate and be
with the person you love(: nevertheless its nice
to be all day long with the person you love or eather
friends to hang out with, I honestly have to say that I
had a very nice day with my boyfriend(Roman) it'll be
5 months together the next sunday! so for me thats so
exiciting and in saturday i'll be all the afternoon with
him.Im not that kind of girl that have all details
and gifts when it comes about universaries because I
prefer to spend my money in memories am I wrong? the
memories that you have will be forever and i think that
is what counts here(: hope you have passed an amaizing
day with your friends or the person you love(: kisses&hugs