Robyn at Villa Maria started this post and i shall carry it on here~
January~my boy is home~we were able to collect cody from the vets yesterday and it feels so good to have him here.
February~blessed imbolc~the great wheel turns again
March~too blogged down to blog!~i am becoming increasingly aware of my lack of blogging of late~i feel i have been so bogged down with everything right now.
April~things~'Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.... Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts'~Henry David Thoreau~
May~posting a day late~we took a beltene stroll to the old clay pits this morning
June~belated spring clean~i have been looking around lately and seeing a distinct lack of color and joy around me~in me, my home, my blog...note i have added a new background...and my spirit.
July~a garden for the fae~i am so in love with our garden right now~from a neglected, smelly piece of land its increasingly become a place where it is easy to see the unseen fae that share this land with us.
August~belated blessings~in the catch up of my week i forgot~*lughnasa blessings to you all*
September~hold onto your hats!~i am still here folks honest!
October~october~october arrived in this ancient forest on the back of howling winds and heavy rain
November~a peaceful day~i had a peaceful day yesterday but struggled with a headache and neck ache which somewhat took the shine off the day.
December~ho-hum~seems the snow has created bother with my blog!
January~my boy is home~we were able to collect cody from the vets yesterday and it feels so good to have him here.
February~blessed imbolc~the great wheel turns again
March~too blogged down to blog!~i am becoming increasingly aware of my lack of blogging of late~i feel i have been so bogged down with everything right now.
April~things~'Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.... Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts'~Henry David Thoreau~
May~posting a day late~we took a beltene stroll to the old clay pits this morning
June~belated spring clean~i have been looking around lately and seeing a distinct lack of color and joy around me~in me, my home, my blog...note i have added a new background...and my spirit.
July~a garden for the fae~i am so in love with our garden right now~from a neglected, smelly piece of land its increasingly become a place where it is easy to see the unseen fae that share this land with us.
August~belated blessings~in the catch up of my week i forgot~*lughnasa blessings to you all*
September~hold onto your hats!~i am still here folks honest!
October~october~october arrived in this ancient forest on the back of howling winds and heavy rain
November~a peaceful day~i had a peaceful day yesterday but struggled with a headache and neck ache which somewhat took the shine off the day.
December~ho-hum~seems the snow has created bother with my blog!
what does your year in sentences look like?
this post was hard for me to begin for the start of last year had us bring Cody home after his operation and we were looking forward to him getting well.
of course that didn't happen and the day draws ever closer to the anniversary of the day he went from us~so the tears, even now are close to the surface as we still miss him so much.
of course we have had little (not so little now!) Flynt to bring up and have fun with and now there is talk of maybe...maybe...finding him a little brother or sister.
new year here in the forest was uneventful for my new year is marked at samhuinn~so i was in bed and fast asleep when someone whose back garden faces our bedroom window let off fireworks, waking me up.
today had a slow start with a walk in the forest~a new route today where i saw lots of trees marked for felling as well as quite a few already felled.
this prompted me to fire off an e-mail to the forestry commission for i am somewhat concerned with the lack of planting native saplings to replace the ones felled.
in some areas there are large, treeless spaces where moss has grown over stumps between the remaining trees~call me suspicious but why has no saplings been planted to maintain the woodland?
this post was hard for me to begin for the start of last year had us bring Cody home after his operation and we were looking forward to him getting well.
of course that didn't happen and the day draws ever closer to the anniversary of the day he went from us~so the tears, even now are close to the surface as we still miss him so much.
of course we have had little (not so little now!) Flynt to bring up and have fun with and now there is talk of maybe...maybe...finding him a little brother or sister.
new year here in the forest was uneventful for my new year is marked at samhuinn~so i was in bed and fast asleep when someone whose back garden faces our bedroom window let off fireworks, waking me up.
today had a slow start with a walk in the forest~a new route today where i saw lots of trees marked for felling as well as quite a few already felled.
this prompted me to fire off an e-mail to the forestry commission for i am somewhat concerned with the lack of planting native saplings to replace the ones felled.
in some areas there are large, treeless spaces where moss has grown over stumps between the remaining trees~call me suspicious but why has no saplings been planted to maintain the woodland?